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1. How do I apply for a stall at London Makers Market?

The best way to stay informed and up to date with our application openings is to sign up to our mailing list and follow us on Instagram.
2. What sort of makers and traders are you looking for?

We are ultimately looking for different makers to curate varied events, and want to showcase eco-conscious businesses as much as possible.

If you are a food stall, we would also like to hear from you. Some of our venues aren't suitable for food venders, but a few of them are. As long as you have all the relevant documents and permission (if needed) from the local council.

3. What information do I need to apply?

Applying to trade with us is easy. All we need to see is a few examples of your work and products. Linking us to your social media account is the easiest way to do this, but if you do not have these, you can also send examples to
4. Do I need insurance to trade at LMM?

Yes, this is one of our main requirements for physical events. It is really important to have Public Liability Insurance (PLI) in the event of an accident, to cover you and your customers.

You do not need PLI for online markets.

5. Do my products need to be CE marked?

To abide to the relevant health, safety and environmental protection standards (for products sold within the EEA), it is important to ensure your items have CE marking (if applicable). Especially if they are toys, dolls or similar, and are going to be handled by children. You can visit the website for more information on this.

6. How much does a stall cost?
Our aim at LMM is to keep our market traders happy and consequently keep our stall fees as low as possible. The cost of a table or stall can change depending on the location or venue. Table prices range from £35 - £65, online market fee prices range from £35 - £50 and full stall prices can be between £40 - 100 per day. 
7. Is it possible to host a workshop at LMM?

Spaces are limited for this but yes absolutely! As long as you have Public Liability Insurance.

8. How are LMM markets promoted?

Along with the general social media platforms, listing sites, and newsletter send outs, LMM distributes hundreds of flyers to the local areas. We try and build good relationships with nearby schools, shops and local communities. 
9. Is there somewhere I can read testimonials from sellers and customers?

Please see our 'Maker Testimonials' page and 'Customer Testimonials' page for reviews.
10. I would like to have a stall, but I also need a rail?

At certain venues we can offer you a bit more space to fit a rail next to your table. This will incur an additional fee due to space restrictions.
11. I know a venue which would like to host LMM events...

Great! We are always on the look out for new and exciting venues. Please email

12. Where can we read your privacy policy?

Our privacy policy can be found here.

13. Do I need PLI to take part in your online markets?

No, Public Liability Insurance is only needed for physical markets.

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