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Last Day to Browse...

Thank you for visiting our Christmas Market last weekend, it was a blast. Your support was greatly appreciated and we hope you found some unique items from our makers.

The Market Catalogue will be live until 3pm today. In keeping with the red, Christmas theme for this event, we have compiled a selection of products from all of the creatives involved.


1. By Coya @by.coya

2. Clarity Blend @clarity_blend

3. BeeHype @beehype_honey

4. Harlie Brown Ceramics @harliebrownceramics

5. Sugar Fix London @sugarfixlondon

6. She Knits You Love @sheknitsyoulove

7. Caroline Roles Design @carolinerolesdesign

8. Lorna Robey @lornarobey

9. Evergreen Soap Company @evergreensoapco

10. Cranston Pickles @cranstonpickles

11. Studio Lowen @studio.lowen

12. Snitches Get Stitches @snitch_stitch

13. Artsyschmolke @artsyschmolke

14. Mythical Canvas @mythicalcanvas

15. The Present House Company @presenthouseco

16. ambustum @ambustum

17. Bamber Prints @bamberprints

18. Ellie Joy Ceramics @elliejoyceramics

19. Georgie Murton @georgiemurtonuk

20. Floating Feather @floatingfeatherholistic

21. Create Space @create____space

22. Art Star @art_star_london

23. Lunar James @lunar.james

24. Aura Home Scents @aurahomescents

25. brass+bold @brassandbold

26. Steph Stewart @steph_stewart_art

27. West Country Designs @westcountrydesignsengland

28. Little Danube @littledanube_shop

29. Charlotte Rose Prints @charlotterosedoherty_

30. Ilo @ilo_organic_clothing

31. Dottir Studio @dottir_studio

32. Studio Vincent @studiovincent_

33. Talia Designer Maker @taliadesignermaker

See something you like? Discover the shop links via our Market Catalogue before 3pm today.



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